Registration/Patient Access Services

Patient Access Department is responsible for the timely registration of patients for in-patient and out-patient services. We appreciate that you have a choice for your healthcare needs and we strive to make the registration process as comfortable for you as possible. The information provided here will prepare you for the registration interview process on your appointment date. Pre-registration for any service is available from the office of the service that you are in need of.

Service Site Hours:

Main Registration Office is open 24 hours a day 7 days a week

Requirements for all Registrations

Experienced Doctors

Complete primary care services, from routine check-ups and preventive care at five affiliated neighborhood clinics and affiliated physicians.

Friendly Staff

Excellent and personable physicians, nurses, and professional staff. Transportation Services for seniors and disabled patients at affiliated clinics and the hospital.

Please remember to bring the following information with you on the day of your appointment:

  • Insurance cards:Commercial insurance, Medicare, Public Aid
  • Identification card:drivers license, state ID, passport
  • Physician Orders signed by your doctor for Admission or testing
  • Authorization or Referral forms required by your insurance plan for testing
  • Workmen’s Compensation or Third-Party Liability Information (car accidents, lawsuits, etc.)

You will be asked to verify all demographic information each time you are registered to ensure that we have the most current information to contact the correct family members as well as insurance information. The Medicare Secondary Payor form is completed for all patients presenting with this insurance. This form is required to establish whether Medicare is the primary payor and covers such issues as End-Stage Renal Disease, Lung Disease, insurance under the coverage of a spouse, disability information and/or Veteran’s benefits.

All patients are required to sign a General Consent for Treatment form.  In addition, we provide an interpreters service, that is free of charge, to assist patients as needed at the time of registration or during your hospital stay.  The consent will also request your signature to acknowledge the status of the physician assigned to your care as an independent contractor, where applicable.

Several brochures are available to you at the time of registration:

  • A Guide to the Registration Process
  • Patient Bill of Rights
  • Privacy Notice
  • Advance Directives

The Patient Bill of Rights outlines our responsibilities and your rights as a patient in our hospital. It also addresses your responsibilities as a patient.

The Privacy Notice brochure describes the new HIPAA (Health Information Privacy and Accountability) laws that address the use and maintenance of your medical information. Receipt of this brochure is a required by law and you will be requested to sign an acknowledgement form to show our compliance with this law. You will only need to do so once. The information is always available to you upon request.

The Advance Directives brochure is a document that provides you with several options with regard to your healthcare:

  • Healthcare Power of Attorney
  • Organ Donation
  • Living Wills
  • Mental Health Treatment Preference
  • Do-Not-Resuscitate Order
  • or, Revocation Orders of these orders

Please bring your healthcare Power of Attorney (POA) information with you, if it is available. It will be kept on file in the Health Information Services office. Please let the registrar know if a POA is already on-file in order to forward this information with your chart to the floor.

Deposits, Co-Payments, Deductibles and Financial Assistance

Patients should be prepared to present the appropriate payment for services at the time of registration. In the case of Commercial/HMO insurance, the visit co-pay/deductible will be collected for the appropriate service or in the case of Public Aid recipients, the current applicable co-pay for the service. Financial Assistance is available for patients without health insurance. Please contact our office to obtain information on discounted prices for the services we provide. Prices for most exams and procedures are available to help you make your decision. We also provide Charity Care services for outstanding accounts. Ask the Patient Access Representative for this information. Please note that deposits for self-pay, are required at the time of service. This deposit is credited towards the total cost of your visit.

Outpatient Testing

Registration for outpatient services are conducted as follows:
Radiology (773-356-5327) 7:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Laboratory (773-356-5396) Monday – Friday, Saturday 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM, and Closed on Sunday.
Ambulatory Care Orders from the physician are required as well as authorizations for treatments that require pre-certification. You may be contacted by our Admitting Department to discuss any information that might be required prior to your visit for any of these services. Please make certain to have this information available in order to avoid any delays or the need to schedule your appointment at a later date.

Pre-Admission Testing and Surgical Registration

Registration for pre-admission testing and outpatient surgical procedures in Same-Day Surgery are conducted in the Admitting Department. Pre-Admission testing appointments start at 8:00 AM and registration for surgery starts at 6:00 AM. Please call the hospital 24 hours prior to arrival in order to confirm that everything is in order. You may contact the Admitting Department at 773-356-5204 to discuss any insurance or financial questions. You may call Pre-Admission Testing at 773-356-5206 to verify that you are prepared for your surgery or to assist you with your pre-surgical instructions. You must bring a family member or friend to stay at the hospital with you if you are having a procedure done that would not allow you to drive yourself home afterwards. It is recommended that someone remains with you for the next 24 hours for your safety and protection. Patients are asked to leave valuables at home (money or jewelry for instance). Please note that our ability to secure your personal items is limited. As previously discussed, please make certain to bring the necessary documentation to expedite the registration process.

Lobby Desk

Our lobby desk is available to assist you with questions about patient visitors, transportation, parking or any other service information need. You may call Lobby desk receptionist at 773-356-5242. An Optimal phone is available 24 hours a day for Interpreter services in the Admitting Department.


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